dad is important too

Even Single Dads Deserve a Happy Father’s Day

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This Father’s Day lets remember the single dads who get less time with their kids. Federal laws have to be changed before the states will make much headway. 50/50 shared parenting is my mandate. Both parents are equally important. There’s no reason moms should assume 70% of the kid-time and get a hefty monthly payment. Let’s equalize divorce so the kids get equal access to both parents.

I am in no way anti-mom or anti-singlemom. I love moms. I still love the mother of my two kids. Women and men need to cooperate in relationships, in deciding to have a child, and in divorcing with equal time and responsibility. There are exceptions. But the current state law often punishes dads by starting with the SPO (standard possession order) giving 70% of the time to the mom. In my state, Texas, 85% of all divorces end up with the “divorce package” moms get the “custodial parent” role, the child support payments, and more than twice the time with the kids. Is that fair?

I am an equal parenting advocate in my state. I also coach parents in how to do better job of sharing fun and discipline. Let’s reset divorce to 50/50 and begin the healing for our children.

Here is my Happy Father’s Day card for 2024.

Always Love,

John McElhenney – life coach austin texas
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Further reading:

And please check out my books on Amazon:

good dad's guide to divorce - john oakley mcelhenney

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John McElhenney

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