Love is the core skill and core need we all have. Many of us grew up in homes where love was conditional. If you behave this way I will love you. If you go against my wishes, I will exclude you from my love. This is not how love works. Love is universal energy, either you’re tapped into it and give it freely, or you are lacking in love.

Where Does True Love Start? ❤️ What Makes It End?

Only by running up the hill repeatedly, are you going to find a partner at the top, who's compatible, sexy, and available. It's a rare thing when two people click. That's what we're looking for. The Big CLICK.

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Checking-In with Online Dating: Still Challenging & Vapid

You're going to have to be active in participating, in saying hello in real-time, and not using "online dating is so bad" as an excuse. I know I do it. But let's get out there together, okay?

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Online Dating Refresh: Can We Start Over?

I quickly and clearly expressed my change of plans and released them back into the stream of possibilities. Get clear on your dating goals. And if you need someone to talk to about all of this crazy mess, I'm here.

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When You Are Able to Ask For What You Want & Let It Go

But if you're ignoring numero uno, by not taking care of your needs, your health, your sleep, your boundaries, the crash will come for you. You cannot drink enough coffee or take enough anti-depressants to correct a lack of self-care.

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A Zen Retake on Love: Attachment is the Root of All Suffering

We put time into the relationship, we want results. We invest our heart and soul in a person, we hope they will return the gift. But people are funny.

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4 Spiritual Practices to Get the Sex Life of Your Dreams (Um, What?)

Be good to yourself. Love yourself and your partner (if you have one) as best you can. Gain mindfulness in all aspects of your life. And get into the FLOW of your life and of your relationship.

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