Crossing the Chasm into Fantastic Realism: Salvation and Celebration

Saying YES to God: I am in a big state of universal YES at the moment. And the people around me are responding with YES as well. That's how this happy universe is created. You get what you give. You are surrounded by the energy you are putting out.

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Finding My Authentic Self: Can You See the Real Me?

I am lovable just as I am. I am lovable with brown hair or grey hair. I am loved at my current weight and even when I'm heavier. I am loved just as I am. I am not sure I believe all of what I just wrote, but I'm on my own journey to get there.

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Savor This Very Second – Breathe – Pause – Savor!

Today is the day. This is the moment. This post signals the last moment of denial. I am in charge of my own thinking, my own mood management, and my own path forward.

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