Divorce is a cruel storm. If we could see our ex-partners as humans rather than combatants, we could begin to heal the pain. We’re in this together, no matter how it turns out. Humans of Divorce are people who are doing their best in spite of the negative actions of their co-parent.

What Women Want to Know About Single Dads, From a Single Dad

As a couple moves towards kid introductions and connecting their families together, there's going to be a lot of alignment that needs to happen. For me, this process is all about creating and cherishing the WE of the relationship.

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Moving from WE to US: How Becoming Parents Grows Our Love – Episode 8

Let's take some loving wisdom from Tina and Richard and incorporate it into our own lives. Let's be more intentional about our apologies, about our expressions of love as well as disappointment, and how we make our lives stronger by being together.

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A Self-help Coaching Map: Aligning Activities with Your Intentions

Give yourself permission, every day, to realign a bit of your energy and action towards what's most important in your life. This is where you will find happiness along the way, as you refind your purpose in life, and find the joy of heading in the right direction.

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The Four Laws of Love: Finding & Building Lasting Relationships

That's where love lives: in finding, holding, and building the flame of love in our hearts and in our partner's hearts every day of our lives together.

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Love Is Bigger Than Anything In Its Way: Optimism and Hope Carry Us

People will do what they want to do. Love will not push a partner into doing something they don't want to do. That's not love, that's codependency.

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