Divorce is a cruel storm. If we could see our ex-partners as humans rather than combatants, we could begin to heal the pain. We’re in this together, no matter how it turns out. Humans of Divorce are people who are doing their best in spite of the negative actions of their co-parent.

Mindfulness in Here and Now: High-Fivin the Universe

Today, I can say, I'm content and ambitious at the same time. I'm creatively alive and vibrant, without too much focus on the outcome. I write, I sing, I pray, for my own pleasure and enjoyment.

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When the Sexual Chemistry Knocks the Sense Right Out of You

If the sexual chemistry is not found or established within the first few dates, then I am going to take NO for an answer about the potential of the relationship.

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You Can’t Push the River: Slow Down, Enjoy the Journey

I have learned to let go and let love. And when the right one comes along I will not hesitate, I will not hold back, I will not shy away from saying what I want.

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Heading Towards the Brightside: Ideas for Lifting Your Mood

At the end of the day. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Celebrate small victories and take care of yourself because you’re worth it!

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A Change of Season, A Change of Weather, A Change of Time

If you're in the middle of a breakup, or if you're not happy in your relationship, make sure you are talking to someone besides your significant other.

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You Are Going To Be Fine: Thriving and Expanding After a Breakup

"I wake up each morning with an 'oh fuck' on my lips. Sometimes I even say it out loud several times as I'm trying to get motivated to make coffee and start the day." Breaking up and depression.

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Everything is Beautiful and Painful: Top Three Relationship Rules

When I was younger and my parents began to struggle with a long protracted divorce, I begged for Jesus/God to help them stay together. I prayed all the time for my dad to stop killing himself with alcohol and cigarettes.

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