I Can’t Live With or Without You: A Curious Reemergence

I am shouting at the moon and telling the universe, "Here I am, fully awake and fully empowered. Show me a partner who can bring their empowered love to join with me."

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Porcupine Mode: Expressing Dissatisfaction In Your Relationship

What ended up happening when I pushed on the broken parts of the relationship is she began to exit emotionally and avoid any opportunities to be alone, where we might have time to discuss what was going on. She took to falling asleep in the kid's beds rather than returning to me.

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“When Are You Going to Get Over Your Divorce?” Is the Wrong Question

If we could balance out the misguided and harmful family court system in favor of a 50/50 cooperative parenting culture, we would have healthier kids. We would also see fewer wealthy bulldog divorce attorneys hawking their winning strategies. In a divorce, no one wins. But in divorce moms and dads should be considered equally.

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Mom’s Entitlement After Divorce: Understanding Parental Alienation

In some twisted way, my ex-wife assumed that she was the better parent and thus more entitled to the child support, the house, and the kids' care and feeding. As a good dad, this was just her assumption. Today, her assumption wound probably be supported by state family law. But, I believe times are changing.

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As Parents: We Do the Walk of Life

That same hope and energy is present in my life, at the moment. I have an abundance of joy to share. Walking through the crowd of people on a beautiful day I could hold each of them in my hopeful prayer.

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I’ve Had Enough: Angry Ex-wife Pushes for Gold Again

My ex-wife is pressing me for money, not because she needs it, not because she thinks my son needs it, but because her brain is wired to think about money first, before all else.

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