Understanding My Co-parent’s Malfunction: My Easy Indifference

Our kids are doing fine, in spite of your brutally selfish and vindictive actions. I release you and your partner to live in peace with an easy indifference.

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3 Signs You’re Emotionally Ready to Get Back in the Dating Game

It may have sparks, fits, and restarts, but it will have a fire, the BIG LOVE FIRE that burns away all the past issues and traumas that need to be released.

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I Can’t Live With or Without You: A Curious Reemergence

I am shouting at the moon and telling the universe, "Here I am, fully awake and fully empowered. Show me a partner who can bring their empowered love to join with me."

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A Radical Approach to Joy

I can. I am. And I am learning to be better to myself. I'm good with others. I have compassion, empathy, and support for just about any struggle my friends or family are going through. But when I look at myself and my failures, I'm often harsh and shaming.

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Checking-In with Online Dating: Still Challenging & Vapid

You're going to have to be active in participating, in saying hello in real-time, and not using "online dating is so bad" as an excuse. I know I do it. But let's get out there together, okay?

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