Drinking is not a problem until it begins to affect your relationship. Only you can determine if your alcohol romance is interfering with your partnership. The drinker must want to change, or not. The codependent non-drinker cannot wait around for the drinker to change. The people in relationships with drinkers, need to find their own comfort, their own strength if they choose to remain with the drinker or not.


What I Learned About Drinking: The Summer of Love

I also learned that drinking is not a life path that's going to bring you much joy. And as you get more routine about your nightly start, you get less intentional about what you want to do with your free time.

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This Very Moment… This Is It… Stop… Smell the Roses… Give Thanks.

Stay in alignment with your goal. Make sure your goal is aligned with your purpose. And then notice when things are going right for you.

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How Do You Suffer the Fools and Jerks in Your Life?

She still cannot see how planting discontent on my kids towards me is hurting them more than it's hurting us. She is actively damaging her own relationship with her kids over MONEY.

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Who Are You Writing For?

I genuinely believe that family laws are corrupt and need to be reset to start at 50/50 parenting with no child support. I love helping moms understand single dads and how to relate to them.

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My Hierarchy of Needs Revisited: The Short List of Happiness

Process the stuff that hurts. And, for me, stop eating to heal those hurts. Just get them out in other ways. Writing about them can help, indeed.

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I Almost Didn’t Make It: A Crushing Depression Following Divorce

When divorce with children is your path be prepared for a lot of highs and lows. You can do it. And your efforts will be rewarded later. Your kids will never know what you went through to stay in their lives, but they will appreciate your presence and loving guidance well into adulthood.

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Where Are You F**king Up? Accountability and Resetting Our Path

How do you find your community? Can you bring more creative energy to your life path? Do you know what things give you aspirational ideas? How can you begin to celebrate and nurture your own Alive Tribe?

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