I’ve got a big announcement. The last book in the divorce orchestration series is at the editors. My hope is to escape the recursive writing and retriggering of my difficult divorce. As the last book The Burn Pile, goes into production, I am lowering the Kindle price of all five previous books. The entire library is going to be released in a colorful set (above for demonstration purposes only) this summer.
The Divorce Orchestration Library
- Fall of the House of Dad
- The Storm Before the Divorce
- A Good Dad’s Guide to Divorce
- Single Dad Seeks
- Divorce Lessons
- The Burn Pile (expected in late February)
I hope my work has helped you along your journey. Divorce strikes everyone in the family differently. I have done my best to represent my experience of the failure and continuous attacks and shitshow of my ex-wife’s behavior, with examples rather than conjecture. I have failed many times. I have tried again. And these books represent the best of my attempts at chronicling a kind-hearted father being chewed up and mauled by a vindictive ex-wife. If that sounds like anger, it is.
Through my writing, I have processed all of these events. I started with an anonymous blog The Off Parent as my then-wife’s plans got underway. I evolved into a positive single-parent repose with The Whole Parent. My process was long and cathartic. Along the way, I learned a lot about myself, about my kids, and about the actions of my ex-wife and her spectrumy new husband. I have attempted in my life and parenting to stay in my lane, focus on what I COULD CONTROL, and let go of WHAT I CANNOT CONTROL. That has been my healing path.
Yes, I write about it. Yes, my ex-wife has every right to be angry. She’s got a new name and has conceded the high ground to me. Who knows, perhaps she is cooking up a book or a blog or something of her side of the story. I don’t think so. Mostly, I project that her house is full of painful memories, karmic debt, and forms of entertainment and inebriation that blunt the sadness under the rage. I continuously try and release her from my venomous thoughts. It is a process I started with The Whole Parent. Today, I put a bookend on the epic with the coming publication of The Burn Pile.
She’s going to continue to do shitty things. Mostly, these days, the toxic behavior is enacted on our two kids. Thankfully, they are away at college and no longer live among the afflicted. God bless my ex-wife. She put up with a lot. At some point she opted out, releasing each of us to our own journey into darkness, madness, sadness, and eventually hope and happiness.
I attempt in my coaching and writing to give hope to struggling families, hope to divorced and lonely people, and (most recently) paths toward recovery from depression and simple practices of mindfulness.
Thank you for joining me on this adventure as I have attempted to reorient my life.
At this moment, January 2024, I feel at peace. I am putting a bow on this boxed set and moving on to more fruitful and positive writing. You can find my other threads on my Amazon Author page.
Finally, please vote in November. The entire globe is counting on you.
Always Love,
John McElhenney – life coach austin texas
Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | @wholeparent
You can find these and other books on my Amazon page.