All Available Light: Positive Parenting Energy Is Never Lost

Live your life as you would like to see your kids living theirs. Show them the adults they can be, by demonstrating the best that you can be. Anything less is a miss. Parenting and co-parenting resources come and go, theories of parenting and how do recover from divorce will change from season to season, but this truth never changes.

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The Cadence of Co-Parenting; Staying Close After Divorce

There are not fewer things to coordinate when you become a single parent, in fact, there are more. The things you once traded equitably, now fall 100% in your lap when it is your parenting time. This new cadence can be jarring, frustrating, and make for some upset campers on all sides unless you plan ahead and go 100% Positive.

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Loving the Body: Size, Weight, Color, Age, Fitness, Happiness

We have been programmed to think skinny and young is the only measure of beauty. That's kind of crazy since my opportunity or desire to be with a twenty-year-old is near zero. I'm looking for a mom, who's happy and radiant, and in her forties or early fifties. And I'm prepared to meet her halfway between the perfect body and working on it. We are in this for the long haul. And I guess, as over 50-ish people, we will always be "working on it."

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The New Father’s Day: My Day of the Week After Divorce

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The SPO, or Standard Possession Order is what 90% of most co-parents will agree to. It's not 50/50, but over time, the courts have determined it is the easiest schedule for fractured families to adhere to. I'm not always sure I shouldn't have fought a little bit for something more equitable, but this is what we've got.

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Finding the Happy Side of Difficult Divorce Street – FLIP IT

There is no time like the present to flip your anger into absurd, cackling, fake laughter. It's a known fact that your physical body doesn't really know the difference between real laughter and fake laughter. So if you give a big ol' Pee Wee Herman laugh, your body really thinks you are laughing. The endorphins and physical joy comes back into your system, fires up the happy side of your brain, and can bring you part of the way back to center.

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