What Women Want to Know About Single Dads, From a Single Dad

As a couple moves towards kid introductions and connecting their families together, there's going to be a lot of alignment that needs to happen. For me, this process is all about creating and cherishing the WE of the relationship.

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Gone Dark Again, and Again: Reanimating After a Quiet Period

We bend when the winds swirl around us. We agree to be together and to weather the storm. Covid, in some ways, gave me cover for my silence. Many of us "sensitive" people were struck mute by the ravages and fear of the virus as it closed windows, doors, and opportunities.

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The Four Laws of Love: Finding & Building Lasting Relationships

That's where love lives: in finding, holding, and building the flame of love in our hearts and in our partner's hearts every day of our lives together.

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Love Is Bigger Than Anything In Its Way: Optimism and Hope Carry Us

People will do what they want to do. Love will not push a partner into doing something they don't want to do. That's not love, that's codependency.

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Commitment and Fear: Closing the Available Exits to Find Your Edge

We stand alone is a relationship. But in a relationship, we also stand beside a spiritual partner, teacher, lover. In a relationship, we can transcend our isolation and truly feel loved.

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