Relationships take a lot of work. Dating, online dating, and courtship all have one goal, to give us a Relationship to thrive in. It is hard to find a healthy, attractive, and willing partner. When you do, what happens next is the most important part. I work on relationship-building as a skill set. How can I be a better partner? How can I say with this person for life?

Own Your Pain, Leave the Rest Alone: Relationship Building Skills

The trick in keeping your relationship vibrant and healthy, is to micro correct towards each other, towards the join between you. By showing your partner you are willing to own and handle the little issues that come up during the course of a week, you are giving them assurances that you can do the same over the longer trajectory of your relationship.

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Here I Go Again: Wait! Hold Up! Let’s Reassess the Situation

Other than the feelings of sadness and loss, the job actually has very little impact on my livelihood or future plans. And, when this news was softly delivered by a "less than awesome young manager" I understood this as the universe giving me the nudge out of the temporary holding pattern that this job actually represented. Still, I'm a little scared.

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“Sex, Dear?” Yes, Please! When Desire Levels Don’t Match

Here's the truth: I can't make you happier. I can't give you energy at the end of your work week or workday. I can't feel sensual when the feedback from you is "tired, overwhelmed, frustrated."

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How to Love Someone Who Is Struggling: Relationship Building Skills

When they see your smiling face and open arms as they emerge from the dark place, they will be grateful for your patience, loving-kindness, and remote support. And you will be stronger and healthier as you have stood alone and agreed to love them even in their difficult times.

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