Big Love & the Tonic Effect of Being In a Nourishing Relationship

Each day, we just groove. Watching a movie, cooking dinner, walking her dogs, I am happier together with someone who is holding my hand.

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Big 5 Relationship Questions to Answer Before You Start Dating Again

So let's make a pact, in our next round of dating "work" I want to commit to pursuing only the clear YES women. Everything else is a distraction. If I am interested in a relationship, that's going to take time, patience, perspective, and the right YES woman.

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Closer to the Edge: Fractures In Our Communication Skills

As we continue to go for a lifetime lover, we've got to be prepared to learn, study, grow, stretch, and reach back to our lovers for the REPAIR. Either partner can go for the repair. And both partners should work towards the repair, even if the bridge is collapsed in smoldering ruins.

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Slipping Into the Dance: A Relationship with Promise and Reserve

The immediate plan is to continue growing, learning, and communicating with an ever-evolving sense of security and trust. Then, don't start talking about rings, living together, and retirement, until you've had a chance to go through at least one cycle of the seasons.

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Swiping with Abandon and Glee: Yes, Online Dating *Can* Be Hard

A relationship coach can Give you a sense of hope; Give you a taste of how a "relationship coach" works; Explain how coaching is more like a physical trainer and less like a therapist; Help you clarify your goals.

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