Going Meta: Breakups, Depression, and Befriending Sadness

I'm not perfect. I don't have the answer to this question of how to be happy all the time. But I am learning to see my emotions, my feelings, as something that are a part of me, but are not all of me. That's my meta-view.

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In All Cases Be Kind, Unless You Can’t Then Be Assertive

There is a fine line in relationships between being passive, being assertive, and being aggressive. Even in each of these three energies, you can be kind.

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Emotional Variability: Healthier Living Through Mindful Awareness

Let's take the darkness in our own lives and forge wonderful lives, wonderful relationships, and wonderful children. We can do this. I have done it. I am doing it every single day. You can do it as well.

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Re-learning to Love In the Present Moment: Love’s Intoxication

I am learning better how to tap into the power of feelings and how they can motivate me towards doing better, being better. But I'm also too aware of how my feelings can lead me down dark and lonely paths. I am constantly trying to find the balanced walk down the middle.

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Understanding My Co-parent’s Malfunction: My Easy Indifference

Our kids are doing fine, in spite of your brutally selfish and vindictive actions. I release you and your partner to live in peace with an easy indifference.

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