Still Wrestling With the *BS* of My Ex-wife and the AG’s Office

As our kids grow up, our past transgressions and lies will come back to haunt us. I don't think I've lied to them, other than the agreed upon lie (giving my wife the all-important cover) that the divorce was a mutual decision. It was not.

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The Art of Indifference After Divorce: Letting Go With Intention

What I've got is my state of happiness and peace. I no longer fight with her about anything. I no longer ask her for anything. I keep my communications primarily with my kids. As far as I'm concerned, she's no longer the superpower she was.

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Child Support and the Livelihood of Moms Over Dads

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child support credit impact

When divorce is amicable there's a chance for equal parenting. When a divorce starts with Dads getting 30% of the time and 100% of the expenses there is little incentive for moms to be fair.

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