All Kinds of Women and the Sparks of Desire: Online Dating for Adults

What would happen if a woman came along who was within my attractive range and was interested in a relationship? I guess I would get the opportunity to feel the pressure that I occasionally put on "dates." I'm not sure what's ahead, but I'm interested in finding out how I learn and grow in my next relationship, with a partner who wants a relationship.

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How a Secure Attachment Looks and Feels in a Love Relationship

I am happier when I am in a relationship. My body is happier. My soul is glowing with the connection I feel to another human being. And my needs are being met on all levels, as we align ourselves and tune into each other's lives.

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Parenting Lesson: Always Consider Lightening Your Kid’s Load

The complications in a teenaged boy's life are many. Dad's love should not be another complication. I am here for him. And I can chill out a bit on my outreach. He knows I'm here. I have always been here.

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Reflecting On My Ex-wife’s Rage Nine Years After the Divorce She Wanted

So she's mad. She got what she wanted and she's still mad. Oh, and I'm still writing. I guess that's the hot poker that is still painfully inserted and irremovable.

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