The Language of Love: Speaking the Truth with Kindness

Don't speak if you're message is unimportant. And when you do speak, pay attention to the words and the way you are communicating. Then, stay in the feedback look with the object of your attention, and tune to their energy and attention.

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Dating 2.0: Enticing and Keeping the Next Love of Your Life?

If there's an imbalance in the first weeks or months of the relationship, there are going to be bigger issues as you move deeper into the choppy waters of real relationship building.

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3 Signs You’re Emotionally Ready to Get Back in the Dating Game

It may have sparks, fits, and restarts, but it will have a fire, the BIG LOVE FIRE that burns away all the past issues and traumas that need to be released.

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I Can’t Live With or Without You: A Curious Reemergence

I am shouting at the moon and telling the universe, "Here I am, fully awake and fully empowered. Show me a partner who can bring their empowered love to join with me."

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