Online Dating Adventure: What Is Your Quest?

Is your dating profile authentic? Are there parts of your presentation that need work? Are you asking for the right things in your future partner? And if these things are good, how are we going to filter through the chaff and find each other, online?

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Back In Pursuit of Love: Slow Dating as a Single-Parent

Slowly but surely, with patience and grace, I will be in relationship again. Months from now, a year from now, I hope to be writing you again about "the love of my life." Heck if you don't believe it, how will you ever get there.

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Checking-In with Online Dating: Still Challenging & Vapid

You're going to have to be active in participating, in saying hello in real-time, and not using "online dating is so bad" as an excuse. I know I do it. But let's get out there together, okay?

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Sexy Sex and the Other Two Kinds of Romantic Relationships

Long-term monogamy takes work. It takes a willingness in both partners to work on keeping things open, honest, and a bit spicy. When one partner begins to check-out or begins denying the flow between you, there is very little a solo-enthusiast can do to reconnect the lust. Perhaps it is like a faucet. At some point, she was turned off by me.

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Missing the Love Right In Front of Us

My dream in all those years of aloneness, in all the workout-cardio tennis classes, was to get myself in good enough shape to attract a woman and get her on the tennis court. BOOM. At that moment, even before we'd struck a single ball, I GOT IT. This is what I was missing.

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