The Hot Hot Heat Test: Dating 2.0 Bring the Heat

When sex enters a relationship everything changes and your thinking is going to be challenged for 6 months to a year. Don't trust your thoughts during this period. Don't make any big decisions together. If you get to two red flags, again, BOLT.

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How a Secure Attachment Looks and Feels in a Love Relationship

I am happier when I am in a relationship. My body is happier. My soul is glowing with the connection I feel to another human being. And my needs are being met on all levels, as we align ourselves and tune into each other's lives.

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Time, The Currency of Modern Relationships: Either You Have It To Give

Once you have decided to move on, you must understand that your former partner owes you nothing. Closure is a myth we like to "go for" in our breakups, but closure is up to us as individuals.

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