Lessons of an Old Dog: Parenting, Divorce, and Codependency

For the last years of his life, my buddy will do whatever he does as an old dog. I will watch him zigzagging around the back yard and try to remain happy for him rather than sad for him. I will love on him as much as I can. And I'll be aware of how my emotional attachments and complaints are mine alone. He's a dog.

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Loss, Sadness, and Indifference: Struggles of a Single Dad

Love your kids with everything you've got. Let go of your ex, as best you can, and focus on the impact your love is having on your kids. Stay true to that value and you will always choose the high road.

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Divorce, Depression, and the Puzzlement of My Ex-wife

I hope she's happy. It doesn't seem like that's the case, but what do I know? I only know that she's shirking on her responsibility to be an available parent to my daughter. That's okay, I guess. That's where I step in as an available parent.

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Co-Parenting Problems and Healing Strategies

Always treat your co-parent with respect and compassion. A metaphor for co-parenting might be, "Treat them as well as you do a convenience store clerk." You want to get in and get out with as little hassle as possible.

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Going for Gratitude with Your Co-Parent, No Matter What

Today, I have everything I need. I may not be close to having everything I want. But my basics (food, shelter, safety, community) are pretty well covered. Today I can forgive my ex and focus on my kids and their well-being.

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