5 Single Parent Dating Issues (And How to Solve Them)

I've found it very helpful to remain in the present moment when dating someone new. Try NOT to jump into the future scenarios, the "what ifs" and "what abouts." And when you are thinking that you both want the same thing, do some reality testing.

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I Cannot Fix Your Broken Wings, I’m Still Repairing Mine

In a relationship that is not quite right, we (I am) are constantly on guard for things to begin going wrong. And either you work through those issues together or you don't. And if you don't you will be miserable trying to stay together. Better to move on.

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Standing Strong Together: Boundaries and Relationships in the #METOO Era

The dragon is your friend. The drama is your weakness. In using this process your blindspots become known dragons and can be tamed and befriended. You can then proceed to walk through life more like a dragon rider.

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