There She Is, The Woman of My Dreams: Online Dating in the Matrix

If you don't know what you're looking for it's going to be harder to find. AND, if you don't know what magic you bring to the experience, it's also going to be harder to dial in a real fit. Finally, pictures. You don't need glamour shots.

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This Feels Like Letting Go: A Moody Moment with Storms and Sunshine

I can forgive and still love each of these women in their various states of disrepair. I can walk away knowing I brought my best game into their lives. I can walk away with my heart still on my sleeve, because that's how I go through life. And I can refind my hopefulness.

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The Blurry Lines Between Divorced Parents: Entitlement & Narcissism

Not a percentage of salary earned. No, she believed, still believes, that the child support is her entitlement. This is no longer a relationship it's just a business contract. I am no longer a person to her, I'm a debtor. I'm the problem. I'm the reason she's unhappy.

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5 Essential Truths About Sex and the State of Your Relationship

Are you sexually fulfilled in your relationship? Can you make a request of your partner, to help get you closer, more excited about sex compromises are you willing to accept about sex as you move forward in the relationship?

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Sexual Energy and the Strength of #Desire in Men and Women

But I'm curious, for a population in their 40s - 50s, with "families" already established if the sexual drive is more similar in men and women? Do we both enjoy the sexual thoughts that come from people watching? Aren't we essentially doing the same thing? Asking that tried and true question of our inexperienced, and pre-family youth, "Would ya do them?"

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How a Secure Attachment Looks and Feels in a Love Relationship

I am happier when I am in a relationship. My body is happier. My soul is glowing with the connection I feel to another human being. And my needs are being met on all levels, as we align ourselves and tune into each other's lives.

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