Health and fitness begin in your mind. Can you eat better? Can you exercise 3 – 5 times a week? Can you give your own body the love you’d like to shower on a partner? Health is your number one commodity as you get older. Stay healthy by taking little steps towards a better, stronger, you.

Fitness and health are the currency of growing old. Let’s do it with intention. Don’t hope to catch up later, get on a health kick, eat better, sleep better, love better. Your fitness and health are the most important things in your life. (Maybe after mental health, in my case.)

Chopra’s 7 Spiritual Laws and Tolle’s Power of Now: Can We Ascend?

If I take the proverbial pause, I may find my own serenity is more important at this moment than finding someone to share my life with. Don't force the river. Allow life and love to surround me and relax in the moment of being with love.

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Why Add Alcohol to Your Mix and Match Relationship Quest?

So alcohol is a bit like sex. It clouds your judgment. It allows you to overlook some of the red flags that might be obvious if you were sober. In my plans, I want to meet my partner in a truthy place.

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Big Love Burns Through All Other Things

In my current life, the big love is the cushion that's keeping me going. As I wander this dark wilderness of grief and loss, I have a firm and tight hand to hold on to. A partner who is exploring what's next with me. Rain and shine.

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Even the High Is Exhausting: A Mindful Pause

Returning to my life today, there are so many moving parts, so many hyper-good moving parts, that my entire body, soul, mind, is a bit out of balance. I've been taking aggressive action to reestablish my calm center. But I've been pouring gasoline on the flames even as I'm trying to breathe and "take it easy."

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