Drinking is not a problem until it begins to affect your relationship. Only you can determine if your alcohol romance is interfering with your partnership. The drinker must want to change, or not. The codependent non-drinker cannot wait around for the drinker to change. The people in relationships with drinkers, need to find their own comfort, their own strength if they choose to remain with the drinker or not.


My Love Message: No Worries, Just Desires

And as we ask for and receive the love we need we are also going to have disappointments. My response in life, now, is "No worries, just desires." If my desires start getting squelched or compromised due to continual misses, then it is up to me to speak up.

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Announcing the Little Book of The Third Glass

Drink if you want to. Make sure you are aware of your motivations when you begin to fix the third cocktail. In my experience, that Third Glass came to represent a turning away from me and away from intimacy. I would choose to drink with her from time to time, but I could not follow her into the nightly oblivion. I wanted a close relationship.

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Asking for Support is Hard for Most of Us: That’s Okay, Do It Anyway

My role is to help you identify what's stressing you out, work on lessening that stress, and begin to focus on what's good for you. And as important, what's good for your kids. And here is a simple list of things we're going to work on together.

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The Four Simple Rules for Parents Getting Divorced

Also, as the man in the divorce, you have an opportunity to lead the process with grace and empathy. You cannot control how your ex behaves, the only thing you can control is your own response to the challenges ahead.

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Taking the Long Way Home: My Divorce Journey Back to Joy

What I wanted (what I want) is stability and trust. What I want is something more authentic than I had in my marriage or with my fiance. What I want is someone who can lean into the troubles and work them out. What I want is someone who can express affection easily and frequently.

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Tenderness and the Heart of Gold: The Gift of Dating a Single Dad

Don't let any of your shit fester and darken your experience of life. Life is too short to be compromising with someone you don't love 100%. Oh, and it's your responsibility to love them at 100%. It is your intention and actions, for the rest of your life, that will determine the success of your next relationship.

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Top 4 Complaints from Married Men and How to Address Them

Make a change or learn to be happy with what you have. Change is the only real choice of action. Be IN or OUT of your relationship, but don't nag and complain and then not take responsibility in your own life and your own participation in the relationship.

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Alcohol May Not Be Your Friend

For fun, drink. For relaxation, drink. As a reward, drink. As an aphrodisiac, drink. Okay, let's not buy any añejo, I said to myself that last few times I've been next door to the liquor store having dinner. In the same way I refrain from buying a pint of ice cream every time I go to the grocery store. Just don't do it.

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