Divorce, once mentioned, is a slippery and difficult journey. As you pull apart the lives you’ve built together, there will be anger, resentment, frustration, and even joy, and ecstasy. But the divorce is hard on everyone. Listen for who needs support and then give your love and attention. Always.

POSITIVE DIVORCE (is a concept, an alignment, an intention I use as I go through life as a single dad.)

Divorce is one of the most disorienting events in my life. Everything was lost. I have made a point of trying to turn the bad points into positive information. I am here support you as best I can to lessen the impact on your children. Divorce is the beginning of a new journey. You can make it better for everyone by paying attention to what matters. Your anger at your ex needs to be handled on your own.

Time, The Currency of Modern Relationships: Either You Have It To Give

Once you have decided to move on, you must understand that your former partner owes you nothing. Closure is a myth we like to "go for" in our breakups, but closure is up to us as individuals.

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Heading Towards the Brightside: Ideas for Lifting Your Mood

At the end of the day. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Celebrate small victories and take care of yourself because you’re worth it!

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You Are Going To Be Fine: Thriving and Expanding After a Breakup

"I wake up each morning with an 'oh fuck' on my lips. Sometimes I even say it out loud several times as I'm trying to get motivated to make coffee and start the day." Breaking up and depression.

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Everything is Beautiful and Painful: Top Three Relationship Rules

When I was younger and my parents began to struggle with a long protracted divorce, I begged for Jesus/God to help them stay together. I prayed all the time for my dad to stop killing himself with alcohol and cigarettes.

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A Radical Approach to Joy

I can. I am. And I am learning to be better to myself. I'm good with others. I have compassion, empathy, and support for just about any struggle my friends or family are going through. But when I look at myself and my failures, I'm often harsh and shaming.

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Have You Forgotten How To Love Yourself? Future Relationships

And each time I strive towards a lover and a lifetime partner, I open my heart in a new way with a new resolve to be the best partner and lover I can be. Until I find the woman who can push back completely into my love hurricane and match it with a tsunami of their own, I'm going to keep seeking.

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