Savor This Very Second – Breathe – Pause – Savor!

Today is the day. This is the moment. This post signals the last moment of denial. I am in charge of my own thinking, my own mood management, and my own path forward.

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Own Your Pain, Leave the Rest Alone: Relationship Building Skills

The trick in keeping your relationship vibrant and healthy, is to micro correct towards each other, towards the join between you. By showing your partner you are willing to own and handle the little issues that come up during the course of a week, you are giving them assurances that you can do the same over the longer trajectory of your relationship.

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“Sex, Dear?” Yes, Please! When Desire Levels Don’t Match

Here's the truth: I can't make you happier. I can't give you energy at the end of your work week or workday. I can't feel sensual when the feedback from you is "tired, overwhelmed, frustrated."

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